We keep a basket by the Church door so that donations for the Food Bank can be dropped off. However that won't be much help during the current lockdown.
In the meantime donations of food etc can be left at the vicarage door beside St Peter and St Andrew's Church in Beanfield Ave. If nobody is in then leave it behind the large plant pot.
Donations of money can be paid directly into the Food Bank Account
The Parochial Church Council Corby Foodbank; Barclays Bank. Sort code 20 57 44 A/C number 93797708
Volunteers from the Church are well established in the Food Bank Team.
Contact us if you would like to get involved in volunteering with the Food Bank
Food can be dropped of at the door to 82 Dorking Walk, via Barnard Close, Corby,
Donations of money can be paid direct to East Northants Faith Group Corby;
Sort Code 20 45 77. A/C number 90906026
Learn more about Street Pastors
Both the above are supported by St Ninian's through prayer support, giving of finances, food, and time in volunteering.