Sunday 22nd September 10:00
Corby, Church of Scotland
Sunday Worship
led by Rev McCarthy
Click for the online Service
Corby Church of Scotland
Order of Service
22nd September 2024
The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel 2024
Call to Worship said by all:
God above us
God beside us.
God within us
God who holds all things in life.
God who walks with those who suffer
God who inspires all who seek peace and pursue it.
With You, we yearn for justice to be done
for creation to be free from threat.
For the hungry to be fed
for captives to be released.
For Your reign of peace to come on earth.
1st Hymn CH4 87 Lord, from the depths
Prayer of Approach and The Lord’s Prayer
Reading: Isaiah 55. 1-12
Lighting of the Peace Candle and Prayer
2nd Hymn CH4 706 For the healing of the nations
Prayer of Confession
‘When did we see you, Lord?' (Matthew 25:37,44)
We see you
When we do not turn away from images of violence and torture and malnutrition.
We see you
When we watch images, taken by brave newsgatherers, of children lugging jerry cans bigger than themselves.
We see you
When we see the agony of families separated from loved ones and see the pain, whether Palestinian or Israeli.
We see you
When we read reports of prison violence and inhumanity.
We see you
When we see streets crowded with protestors shouting, ‘Stop the war!'
We see you
When we hear counter-cultural voices urging justice and crying out against revenge.
We see you
When the International Court of Justice investigates genocide.
We see you
When powerful nations continue to send weapons, while urging humanitarian relief.
We see you
Crucified still. Your agony, Your broken body, Your ragged cry: "Why have you forsaken me?"
Lord, when we see You, we don't know what to do. But You have told us: "Whenever you fed the hungry, gave a drink to the thirsty, welcomed the stranger, clothed the naked, healed the sick, visited the prisoner; when you did these things, you did it for me."
"Whatever you did…. you did it for me."
Reading: Colossians 3.12-17
3rd Hymn CH4 721 We lay our broken world
Gospel Reading Matthew 25.35-40 (Scott)
The Collect (said by all)
4th Hymn CH4 528 Make me a channel of your peace
Act of Commitment
Offering (Praise God from whom all blessings flow)
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
News and intimations
5th Hymn CH4 250 Sent by the Lord am I
Benediction (Three-fold Amen)