Sunday 27th October 10:00 

Corby, Church of Scotland

Sunday Worship

led by Mrs Elaine Milligan

Click for the online Service

Corby Church
Order of Service – Proper 25 / Trinity 23
27th October 2024 


Lighting candle/Peace prayer
Hymn CMP 896 my lips shall praise you
Call to  Worship Ps 34v 1 – 8 19 - 22  
Hymn CH4  502 Take my life and let it be  
Prayer approach confession  /Lords Prayer  
Reading:     Mark 10 v 46 - 52
Let us sing Hymn CH4  253 Inspired by love and anger
Prayers of intercession
Offering/ Praise God from whom all blessing flow  /prayer
Reading:   Job  42 v 1 – 6 10 - 17   
Hymn      CMP 757 When peace like a river
Address/ prayer
Hymn CH4 562  Through the love of God our saviour
Sung Amen
Doxology CH4 786
Doxology – May the God of Peace go with us CH4 786